Tuesday 1 October 2013

V for vendetta

While watching v for vendetta, I Noticed the various hidden meanings and messages within the film. For example at the beginning of the film v and evey are both getting ready and watching the same program (voice of London). Both v and evey are putting on 'masks' (v literal, evey figurative: make up) and both clearly disagree with the voice of London. The camera cuts between evey and v, each thing one does the other mirrors it. Both turn off the tv at the same time with the same look of disgust. I can't remember what was said but while the voice of London talked at something he said both evey and v looked at the tv. 
The way that the camera cuts between evey and v throughout various parts of the film show similarities between them both. For example, when evey was on the roof with v the camera continually cut to the image of v mirroring what evey is doing, both done these actions after they lost everything.
When v killed voice of london in the shower I couldn't help but compare it to the famous shower scene in psycho. The way v actually spoke rather than just killed him and waited till he was out of the shower, whereas in psycho he just killed her, no dialogue. Shows that its more direct and personal in v for vendetta.

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